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Public Health

Bachelor of Science


A Bachelor of Science degree in Public Health from Concordia University, St. Paul will prepare you for careers in public health. Find yourself in fields such as research, administration, consulting, and more.


Program Length

45 Credits


On Campus

After completing the program, you’ll have the practical skills and abilities to keep up with public health industry field standards and trends. CSP’s public health program aligns with the CEPH (Council on Education for Public Health) standards, so graduates are prepared for the field.

If you see yourself working in the public health field, health care, or nonprofit settings, this program is for you. Learn from extraordinary industry professionals and combine the classroom with real-world experience.

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UTM Hidden Field Code //Create program name from url // Use window.onload to ensure the code runs after all page resources are loaded window.onload = function () { // Get the current URL const currentURL = window.location.href; // Find ".edu/" in the URL const eduIndex = currentURL.indexOf(".edu/"); if (eduIndex !== -1) { // Extract everything after ".edu/" and remove any query string const programNameWithQuery = currentURL.substring(eduIndex + 5); const programNameWithoutQuery = programNameWithQuery.split("?")[0]; // Set the value of the hidden input field by name const programNameField = document.querySelector('[name="program_name"]'); if (programNameField) { programNameField.value = programNameWithoutQuery; // Add an event listener to the input field to remove slashes programNameField.addEventListener("input", function () { this.value = this.value.replace(/\//g, ""); }); } } }; //Push cookied UTMs to hidden fields // Function to get the value of a cookie by its name. function getCookieValue(cookieName) { var name = cookieName + "="; var decodedCookies = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); var cookieArray = decodedCookies.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < cookieArray.length; i++) { var cookie = cookieArray[i].trim(); if (cookie.indexOf(name) === 0) { return cookie.substring(name.length, cookie.length); } } return ""; } // Function to populate form fields with UTM cookie values. function populateFormFields() { // Define a mapping of cookie names to form field names. var cookieFieldMap = { "utm_id": "cookie_utm_id", "utm_source": "cookie_utm_source", "utm_medium": "cookie_utm_medium", "utm_campaign": "cookie_utm_campaign", "utm_term": "cookie_utm_term", "utm_content": "cookie_utm_content", "utm_source_platform": "cookie_utm_source_platform", "utm_campaign_id": "cookie_utm_campaign_id" }; // Iterate through the cookie-field mapping and populate the form fields. for (var cookieName in cookieFieldMap) { var fieldName = cookieFieldMap[cookieName]; var fieldValue = getCookieValue(cookieName); // Find the form field by name and set its value. var field = document.getElementsByName(fieldName)[0]; // Assuming the first matching field. if (field) { field.value = fieldValue; // Log the field name, cookie name, and value to the console for testing. console.log("newcode #1"); console.log("Field Name: " + fieldName); console.log("Cookie Name: " + cookieName); console.log("Field Value: " + fieldValue); } else { // Log a message if the field is not found. console.log("Field not found for cookie: " + cookieName); } } } // Add an event listener for DOMContentLoaded to execute the code when the DOM is loaded. document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // Call the populateFormFields function on DOM load. populateFormFields(); }); // Add an event listener for form submission to log field values when the form is submitted. var form = document.forms[0]; // You might need to specify the correct form index. if (form) { form.addEventListener("submit", function (event) { // Log form field values before submitting the form. populateFormFields(); }); }

Career Paths

Data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Community Health Worker $ 46,190
Health Education Specialist $ 59,990
Medical & Health Services Manager $ 104,830

Program Details

The BS in Public Health at CSP gives students access to industry professionals and a curriculum that aligns with the standards upheld by the CEPH. After completing the program, graduates will be prepared to step into the public health field in various roles, from research to administration.

Public Health students will find themselves in a program that has a faster completion time than similar programs and classes that are relevant to public health careers after graduation.

Upon completion of the program, you’ll be able to assess the factors of health and disease and how they impact specific populations. You’ll have the skills to research and apply findings to public health strategies. CSP’s Public Health program will prepare students for successful careers. With an emphasis in community and collaboration, you’ll know how to interact and communicate effectively to serve others better.


Our world-class faculty use their decades of experience to nurture your success from the first day of class all the way to graduation— and beyond.